McGregor Tan Research specializes in providing premium market and
social research and strategy advice to government, industry, and not
for profit sectors.
We operate in all states in Australia, typically
using our own field teams.
As we were originally established in Adelaide, we remain the largest social and market research company in South Australia.
We have an impeccable record of consistent, high quality on-time service delivery.
As a full service research agency we offer a comprehensive range of qualitative and quantitative research services including:
- Social research and policy development
- Commonwealth, state and local government studies
- Branding and corporate identity research
- Product development research
- Communication and advertising concept testing
- Customer satisfaction & service quality survey
- Mystery shopping and retail observation audits
- Market segmentation studies
- Pricing studies
- Competitor analysis
- On line research
- FMCG and consumer profiling (MarketSpend)TM
- Business surveys and strategy
- Employee opinion and organizational research
- Site and locational studies
- Event economic benefit evaluation
- Regular monthly omnibus
- Product clinics
McGregor Tan Research has accreditation for ISO20252 (Market and Social Research) and ISO9001:2008 in all areas of operations.
Osmond Grove group rooms and recruiting facilities, which we have been
told are the best in SA, are available for use by our peers.
Personnel: 20 (plus 200 national field staff)